What is Cut?

The number one thing we look for in a diamond is how intensely it transmits light and ultimately, it’s sparkle. So when we say diamond cut we don’t mean shape but the craftsmanship of a diamond’s facets and how well it is proportioned to create that sparkle. Cut will give the diamond its true and overall beauty, which is why it’s considered to be the most important of the 4’Cs. There are three types of reflections that create a well cut diamond: 

Brilliance: A white light being reflected to the eye from the diamond.

Dispersions: Also known as fire, is the bouncing of white light off the interior facets creating a rainbow of colors being reflected to the eye.

Scintillation: A pattern created by dark and light areas, in simple terms its sparkle!

How is Diamond Cut Graded?

When purchasing a diamond it is a must to understand how a diamond cut is graded. Following the language of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) for a round diamond: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair and Poor.

This grading scale is a universal scale used in the industry to distinguish the perfect cut for each round diamond. Now, I know what you're thinking, what about the fancy shaped diamonds? While GIA does not include cut grade in the reports, here at Sonu Company, we assess our fancy shaped diamond’s symmetry, proportions and depth.

what is diamond cut

Anatomy of a Diamond 

diamond anatomy

Table: The largest flat surface of a diamond

Crown: The top portion of the diamond from the girdle to table

Girdle: In between the crown and pavilion is the widest part of the diamond. Also used to define the circumference of a diamond. 

Pavilion: The bottom portion of the diamond from the girdle to culet

Culet: The facet or point on the bottom tip of a diamond.

Depth: The height of a diamond from the table to culet. Often expressed as a percentage.
